Mal Morgan

Mal Morgan is.

The Verb Mourir

I die thou diest il meurt elle nous vous etc. you know the order and how things go! I want Mozart Dylan the warbling magpies all in concert. A greater symphony I’ll never hear. Neither will Monsieur Hulot!

Posted in 05: UNTHEMED | Tagged

I’ll Leave a Poem or Two

in memory of Primo Levi, an Auschwitz survivor I’ll leave you nebbich poems like these Made to be read by five or six readers. —Primo Levi I’ll leave a poem or two some teeth for no-one’s mouth old books newspapers …

Posted in 05: UNTHEMED | Tagged

The Man in a Poem

There’s a man in a poem bathed in moonlight. You know him you’ve seen him before. He’s bending over tipping his dreams into a bin with fish-heads and bottles and yesterday’s paper. Nobody wants them. He raises his head to …

Posted in 05: UNTHEMED | Tagged