Luke McMullan

Luke McMullan is a poet from Belfast, Northern Ireland, interested in the markers, values, and problems of intensity in poetry. For five years he studied and lived in Cambridge, UK, before moving to New York. Poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Cordite Poetry Review, Intercapillary Space, halfcircle, and other magazines. His first chapbook, n, came out in 2012. Another chapbook, DOLPHIN ARIA/LIMITED HOURS: A LOVE SONG, is forthcoming from BlazeVOX. With Sophie Seita and Ian Heames, he runs the unAmerican Activities transatlantic reading series, a live reading and pamphlet series between London and New York, and the New York Stock small press. He has also co-edited occasional magazines and chapbooks. Currently he is working on a long poem about animals and places in the city. He lives in Queens.

as propagating through a system whether discourse or node (of discourse sighting the node behind fog is better than stars hungry for azores ,,, or bestiary triumph flashes in wildness in an ontic way ,,, appenine or propagates takes ridges …

Posted in 67: A BRITISH / IRISH | Tagged

clear jams

I saw the first one come down as a bride adorned ornate with sorrows roid rage incarnadine for pushing amber all succumb to the ideal stir up tumbledown sky was all euphoria star encasement Worth Fighting For

Posted in 67: A BRITISH / IRISH | Tagged