Juan Carlos Mestre

Juan Carlos Mestre, poet and visual artist, was born in Villafranca del Bierzo, in León, Spain, in 1957, under the dictatorship of Francisco Franco. He studied at the University of Barcelona. Mestre’s poems use dream and memory to explore the conditions of exile and the everyday. He is the author of numerous collections, including La casa roja (2008), which won the National Poetry Prize awarded by Spain’s Ministry of Culture, and La bicicleta del Panadero (2012), which won the Premios de la Crítica.

3 Juan Carlos Mestre Translations by Peter Boyle

“Antepasados” was published in La casa roja (Calambur, 2008); “Epístola del Giotto” and “Color Chagall” in La bicicleta del Panadero (Calambur, 2012). The Spanish poems are reproduced with permission. The English translations are previously unpublished. ANCESTORS Where does my memory …

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