Joko Pinurbo

Biasa dipanggil Jokpin, lahir 11 Mei 1962. Lulus dari Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia IKIP Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta (1987). Kemudian mengajar di almamaternya. Sejak 1992 bekerja di Kelompok Gramedia. Beberapa karya puisi Joko Pinurbo tampaknya merupakan parodi dari tradisi puisi Indonesia. Selain itu ia juga gemar menggunakan pencitraan yang kelihatannya klise yang jarang ditemukan dalam puisi Indonesia, misalnya pengacuannya pada objek-objek yang biasa ditemukan sehari-hari. Buku kumpulan puisi pertamanya, Celana (1999), memperoleh Hadiah Sastra Lontar 2001; buku puisi ini kemudian terbit dalam bahasa Inggris dengan judul Trouser Doll (2002). Ia juga menerima Sih Award 2001 untuk puisi Celana. Di Bawah Kibaran Sarung (2001) mendapat Penghargaan Sastra Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2002. Sebelumnya iadinyatakan sebagai Tokoh Sastra Pilihan Tempo 2001. Tahun 2005 ia menerima Khatulistiwa Literary Award untuk antologi puisi Kekasihku (2004). Sering diundang baca puisi di berbagai forum sastra, antara lain Festival Sastra Winternachten di Belanda (2002). Oleh pianis dan komponis Ananda Sukarlan, sepilihan puisinya digubah menjadi komposisi musik. Sejumlah sajaknya dipakai pula untuk iklan.
Joko Pinurbo (a.k.a 'Jokpin') was born on 11 May 1962. He was graduated with a degree in Indonesian Language and Literature from Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta in 1987 and went on to teach at his alma mater. Since 1992, he has been working for the Gramedia Group. Several of his poems seem to be parodies of the Indonesian poetry tradition, and he also makes avid use of apparantlly cliché images that are rarely found in Indonesian poetry, like everyday objects. His first book of collected poems, Celana (1999), won the Lontar Award for Literature in 2001 and went on to be translated into English under the title Trouser Doll (2002). He also received the Sih Award (2001) for the same collection. Di Bawah Kibaran Sarung (Beneath my Flapping Sarong, 2001) received the award for literature from the National Department of Education in 2002. He was also named Literary Artist of the Year by Tempo magazine in 2001. In 2005 he received the Khatulistiwa Literary Award for his poetry anthology Kekasihku (My Love, 2004). He is regularly invited to read various literary forusm, including the Winternachten Festival in the Netherlands. His poems have been used by the pianist and composer Ananda Sukarlan as musical compositions. Several of his poems have been used in commercials.

Mei | Mei

Mei Jakarta, 1998 To the fire, Mei, I offered your beautiful body. You went to take a bath that evening. You bathed in fire. Fire loves you, Mei, so very much. Fire laps at your body even its most hidden …

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