Janet Reinhardt

Janet Reinhardt lives near the Cooks River in Sydney where she walks most days. She is an experimental poet who prefers to work with collage and Oulipo transformations. Her poetry has previously appeared in journals both in Australia and internationally. These include Cordite, Redoubt, Southerly, Southern, and Cimarron Reviews. Her work is also represented in a number of Australian anthologies.

playing with Justin Bieber’s baby

(a loose oulipo transformation) you know she loves mean she knows you care (woe, a hah) she shouts whatever and you’ll be there (woe, a hah) you are her lowboy she is your heat she will never ever ever be …

Posted in 111: BABY | Tagged

from Urban Truths

1. They ride in on the boom of Singapore. Their tri-level penthouse is superbly appointed. Perfect for entertaining. It's got both position and potential and, due to a built in custom made elevator, they never endure the terrible purgatory …

Posted in 20: SUBMERGED | Tagged

Seducing Hemingway

Leventado He hesitates outside Harry’s; contemplates an absinthe? a martini? no matter what matters is the girl making a slow pass across thwe room, her full, red skirt trailing behind her. She has the tight sprung look of a young …

Posted in 06: NEW POETRY | Tagged