Inger-Mari Aikio

INger-Mari Aikio was born in 1961 in Ohcejohka/Utsjoki and lives in Sámiland in Northern Finland. She is a poet, writer, translator, and director and producer of documentary films and music videos. She has also worked as a journalist, radio host and reporter. Inger-Mari has published ten books in Northern Sámi. Seven of these are poetry collections: Gollebiekkat almmi dievva (1989), Jiehki vuolde ruonas giđđa (1993), Silkeguobbara lákca (1995), Máilmmis dása (2001), Camera Poetica–Suonat (2008), Beaivváš čuohká gaba–Aurinko juo kermaa (2014) and 69 čuoldda–69 pylvästä (2018). Her poetry has been translated into English, Spanish, Norwegian, German, Hungarian, Finnish, French, Italian, Arabic, Kiswahili and Bulgarian. A trilingual poetry collection, Roađđi – Rosa Boreal – Boreal Rose (2016), was published in Sami, English and Spanish, together with Niillas Holmberg. Inger-Mari has also published two children’s books and a novel for teens and young adults in Northern Sámi: Riebana bihpporgáhkut (2006), Čáhcerávgga gazza (2011) and Tropihka rievssat (2016). She has also directed 11 documentaries and 12 music videos. Inger-Mari was nominated for the Nordic Litterature Prize (2004), the Skábmagovat Film Award (2013), and the State Award for Children’s Culture (2015).

3 Inger-Mari Aikio Translations

hundred what if all my men were to gather around me at the same time, the dead ones too, young in the morning, in the evening just as they are or would be if they lived what would they say …

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