Edward Ragg

Edward Ragg is a poet and wine professional living in Beijing, China. He won the 2012 Cinnamon Press Poetry Award and his first collection of poetry, A Force That Takes, will be published by Cinnamon in 2013. Ragg’s poems have appeared in Aesthetica, Acumen, Agenda, Critical Quarterly, Envoi, Orbis, Other Poetry, Papercuts, Poetry Quarterly, PN Review, Seam, The New Writer, Three Line Poetry and other journals. Selections from his work are anthologized in Lung Jazz: Young British Poets for Oxfam (Eyewear Publishing/Cinnamon Press, 2012), Jericho & Other Stories & Poems (Cinnamon Press, 2012), Visiting Wallace: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Wallace Stevens (Iowa University Press, 2009) and New Poetries IV (Carcanet Press, 2007). Ragg is an Associate Professor in English at Tsinghua University and co-founder, with his wife Fongyee Walker, of Dragon Phoenix Wine Consulting.

Willows of the Fourth Ring

The willows in the winter wind, green-yellow octopi or as the tails of cartoon comets: such is their movement without the labourers who with long poles coax the last recalcitrant tawny leaves from branches which sag without despair. That was …

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