Diane Fahey

Diane Fahey's thirteenth poetry collection is November Journal. Her poetry awards include the Newcastle Poetry Prize, the Wesley Michel Wright Award, and the ACT Judith Wright Poetry Prize. She holds a PhD in Creative Writing from UWS.

The Black Cockatoos

On photographs by Leila Jeffreys As if, surely, they recognise her joy in them, wear it welcomingly on their own gaze, they create, with her, a mutual stillness. Then her finger moves. Some carry stories, cryptically hidden but present, of …

Posted in 96: NO THEME IX | Tagged

Glass Flowers

1 Alchemical vessels imbued with rumours of colour – a pearly acorn-brown, tinctures of amber, buff-white: the Trickster, light, mixing it up, sheathing each sculpted bloom in the glow of other objects; even the innermost whorl, the nectary, endowed with …

Posted in 79: EKPHRASTIC | Tagged


My mother threw pinches of spilt salt over her left shoulder, would toss water that had boiled eggs onto the garden; crossed knives were swiftly uncrossed on the table. For good luck: her youngest brother’s signet ring, its horseshoe worn …

Posted in 66: OBSOLETE | Tagged

from: Zoo Birds

Mute swans form pictograms from unknown languages; write with mango beaks on lakes; move at will from one kind of perfection to another. Meditation Icons of the art of now, of being nowhere but here, they practise pure stillness, freedom …

Posted in 60: SILENCE | Tagged

Spring News

An elephant seal came to lie along banked kelp, its eyes wet with the sea's gleam and all the brighter for being set in that grey body – one long, lounging muscle stroked by the tide. This side, a stretch …

Posted in 25: COMMON WEALTH | Tagged

Cormorants at Solstice

Shades of the goose, the penguin? But that conduit of snow-striped black, the lithe fluidity on shore, are yours. Twin peaks, gothic against humdrum waves, loom as feathers dry. Body shapes – comic, ingenious or statuesque – suggest an alphabet …

Posted in 25: COMMON WEALTH | Tagged