David Musgrave

Australian poet, novelist, and publisher David Musgrave was born in Sydney and earned a PhD at Sydney University. Musgrave is the author of several poetry collections, including To Thalia (2004), Watermark (2006), and Phantom Limb (2009), as well as the satirical novel Glissando (2010). Musgrave collaborated with his wife, photographer Fiona Robards, on the art book Open Water (2007). Musgrave founded the Australian literary publisher Puncher & Wattmann. His honors include the Sidney Nolan Gallery Poetry Prize, the Broadway Poetry Prize, the Bruce Dawe Poetry Prize, the Alec Bolton Prize, the Josephine Ulrick Poetry Prize, and the Newcastle Poetry Prize. He lives in Sydney.

Robin Hood Seeks Vocational Guidance

Get back to work, Robin Hood and go to Bighead’s house where there is a multi-directional view and a cocktail bar and interesting magazines which feature the host in a small article nonetheless heavily featured with photographs of Bighead’s house …

Posted in 71: TOIL | Tagged

Dari Kereta di Connecticut | From a Train in Connecticut

Dari Kereta di Connecticut Kapling Bengkel Petrillo, penjajah suku cadang mobil di pinggir kota New Haven terisi ribuan mobil yang tak begitu tua namun semuanya rongsokan, berkarat, dengan roda tanpa ban dan kaca jendela berkatarak Tak ada jiwa yang tampak, …

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The field is in its element: confetti knee-, neck-deep. As rain is the applause of the sky, so this is delirious burning in cold light: a hyper-tide of breathing. Skies vanish in warm breath-banks, opacity of words and, quarried from …

Posted in 33: PASTORAL | Tagged