Cassandra Barnett

Cassandra Barnett (Raukawa, Pākehā) is a writer and mum based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington NZ. Her poetry and short fiction are published in Tupuranga, Te Whē, OraNui, RNZ Reading Room, Turbine | Kapohau, Brief, Huia Short Stories, Landfall, Black Marks on the White Page (Penguin Random House) and others. Her essays can be found in Te Manu Huna a Tāne (Massey University Press), The Spinoff, Pantograph Punch, Ate Journal of Contemporary Māori Art, Counterfutures, South as a State of Mind and many art publications and catalogues. In 2019 she was writer in residence at Zealandia, guest editor of 4th Floor Literary Journal and a finalist in the Pikihuia Māori Literature Awards. In 2020 – when not simply weathering the storm – she has been writing a book of autofiction and a poetry chapbook, both forthcoming.

Some stones

to waylay thirst on long distance walks, my tūpuna carried stones in her mouth. to survive my tūpuna heeded stories. i heed & hold, in my mouth, a bush pebble. no taste but I feel it smooth, round & cool …

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