Beth Merindah

Beth Merindah is a creative writing student at Deakin University (Melbourne).

Earth Apple

You stack his limbs, like kindling, on an eggshell mattress study his mottled skin. Yellow and bruised as though bitten by late blight. Hanging each breath’s a little dust-cloud his halo settles into sediment, raining spittle flecks on starchy sheets. …

Posted in 109: NO THEME 12 | Tagged

The Force Publique of Lithium-ion Batteries

‘For the colonialists all means are good if they help them to possess these riches.’ — Patrice Lumumba Then, our eldest cousin counseled us; the small children — The dried apricots, aren’t apricots at all, they are the ears of …

Posted in 108: DEDICATION | Tagged

Postnatal Obeah

We planted your naval string in a pit that your father dug, so that every Autumn we could eat sweet figs. We broke ground with white rum and buried your placenta with: the clumps of hair that fell to my …

Posted in 104: KIN | Tagged

Middle Quarters

Worn women line the roadside waving cello bags of spicy shrimp — burning with scotch bonnet — they’ve dug from the muddy swamps hugging Wray and Nephew’s sugar cane. The asphalt, eaten by rainy season storms, is scarred like skin …

Posted in 103: AMBLE | Tagged


YAS. So retro. SO GOOD. Flames sis. Hella Dope. Kim bangin. You’re so fly. You gangster. Sit on my face. Wenaaa amiga. Red is a feeling. Literally no one:….Kim: INVENTS RED. Exelente Excelente Excelente Exelencia Dope as f**k. MG FIRSTTT …

Posted in 100: BROWNFACE | Tagged

Scandal Bag

The scandal bag spilled its belly on the foreshore filling the sand with foam, bile, grabba, and a plastic film that suffocated tamarind seeds studded with sugar. It was a black jellyfish swimming in streams of squid ink, propelled forward …

Posted in 95: EARTH | Tagged