7 Sei Shōnagon Translations by Pinyu Hwang

By | 13 May 2024


過ぎにし方恋しきもの 枯れたる葵。雛遊びの調度。二藍、葡萄染めなどのさいでの押しへされて、草子の中などにありける、見つけたる。また、をりからあはれなりし人の文、雨など降りつれづれなる日、さがし出でたる。去年の蝙蝠。

Things nostalgic of a time passed: Wilted hollyhocks. Accessories for doll play1. Finding scraps of cloth in hues of indigo & lilac & such [colors], pressed in a bound book. Or, on a rainy day of tedium, stumbling upon a letter that struck keenly [because it had been] from someone (one had) met at just the right time. Last year’s fan2.

  1. 雛祭り Hinamatsuri is also known as the Doll Festival and is a holiday celebrating female children. It takes place annually on March 3.
  2. 蝙蝠扇 kawahori ougi ‘bat fan.’ So named because of a resemblance to the wings of a bat when spread open.
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