7 Sei Shōnagon Translations by Pinyu Hwang

By | 13 May 2024


心ときめきするもの 雀の子飼。ちご遊ばする所の前わたる。よき薫物たきて一人臥したる。唐鏡のすこし暗き、見たる。よき男の、車とどめて、案内し問はせたる。頭洗ひ化粧じて、香ばしうしみたる衣など着たる。ことに見る人なき所にても、心のうちは、なほいとをかし。待つ人などのある夜、雨の音、風の吹きゆるがすも、ふとおどろかる。

Things that make the heart flutter: Feeding sparrow chicks. Passing by a place where children have been permitted to play. Burning fine incense and lying down alone. Looking into the slight dull of a Chinese mirror. A fine gentleman parking his cart (before the house), having [an attendant] ask for reception and inquire [about something]. Having washed [my] head (hair) and put on cosmetics, dressing up in clothes that have been soaked in fragrant scents. Even if it’s at a place where there’s no one to see in particular, [from] within the heart it’s all the more enchanting. On nights when there is someone to wait for, the sound of rain and even the swinging gusts of wind, too, are unexpectedly startling.

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