7 Sei Shōnagon Translations by Pinyu Hwang

By | 13 May 2024



The first day of the first month & the third day of the third month when they’re such fine [ones]. The fifth day of the fifth month when it’s entirely cloudy. The seventh day of the seventh month when, cloudy all day, [in] the evening, in the cleared-up sky, the moon’s very bright, and the stars countable.


The ninth day of the ninth month, when rain has been falling lightly since daybreak; the dewdrops on the chrysanthemums are extravagant, even the cotton covering [the flowers] is drenched, and the lingering fragrance, too, becomes further pronounced; [the rain] stops in the early morning, but it’s yet cloudy, as though it’d come down [again at any moment]—[this], too, is enchanting.

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