7 Sei Shōnagon Translations by Pinyu Hwang

By | 13 May 2024



Spring: at daybreak. Mountain ridges brightening as they grow white bit by bit, purple-tinged clouds trailing [over the sky].


Summer: at night. Even better when the moon is out. The darkness, too. [To see] so many fireflies flitting about, or [to see] only one or two, giving off dim flickers as they go, is charming. The falling of rain & such is also charming.


Autumn: at dusk. The setting sun shines down, edging ever nearer to the mountaintops, birds make to retire to [their] beds, three or four, two or three, hurried in [their] flights—even [such a sight] is magnificent. Not to mention the wild geese, lined up and appearing ever smaller — [this, too], is very enchanting. As the sun sinks in its entirety, the sound of wind, the sound of insects… [these], too, cannot be put into words.


Winter: early morning. Neither can the falling of snow be put into words. [With] the white of frost, or even without, in the cold, making fire in haste, bringing around the charcoal—[these] too are such fitting [sights]. By the time noon comes about, when [the cold] gradually subsides in turn, the flames in the brazier, too, have turned to whitened ashes, [an] unseemly [sight].

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