3 Julio Fabián Translations by Callum Methven

By and | 13 May 2024


Oh Darkness, darkness:
take me to the edge of galaxies indecipherable,
let me listen to the hum of the light
and cast out my confusion,
grant me the power to tremble in silence
and wake within a dream.

Oh, solitary shadow:
allow me breath enough to resist
as an isle between bluffs,
let me reach the future
even with the slightest of hope,
give me the sound of the squall
lashed with flawless thunder.

Oh, indecipherable universe:
paralyse the breath of the uncertain,
let me find words among infinity,
grant me the destruction of all distance,
hold onto these words, at least,
for a day, a week, a year,
a century, an instant.

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