Shona Hawkes


this flag is a gun that spits out soldiers instead of bullets and I don’t know how to make peace with my weaponised mind or these feet that fear the dirt or this tongue that won’t trust river water I …

Posted in 97 & 98: PROPAGANDA | Tagged


as kids we danced in circles, holding hands the gentle tug of arms would ripple so we fell inwards and outwards, groggy with the game of gravity, inwards and outwards, and if we fell the circle would catch us you …

Posted in 82: LAND | Tagged

Deserts and Promises

My people make deserts and promises. I can live quite beautifully in words assembled and disassembled so easily, as if we conquered the world with riddles. I once lived on an island with no word for thank-you, this is the …

Posted in 72: THE END | Tagged