sergeant john wheel was blue/ very
blue but lost his way/ like crooks do whose glory
days are waning and find solace lifting barbells in a
gym/ with children peering on/ johnny/ you could
trust him/ he was beyond police street directory of
life/ bit psychic/ took you right into his headwhere it’s hard to plan your escape/ john wheel just
pulled the pin/ some say he’s locked up in hills
kyneton way/ and that everyone’s out of his mind/
watches native birds light up the bush around him
at dusk/ theirspeeding is just self preservation nothing else and that
the spent shells of gum trees means re growth/
a mate reckoned once that wheels sat on his double
bed/ shared a joint/ tried to talk him out of death
but he also wanted information/ pauliwould say nothing/ but somehow he felt touched/
wheels never painted him into the wall but could
h ave/ he’d help you if he felt there was something
wrong when you could find him/ but he wasn’t like
most cops/ writing up tickets or out of the vanpissing on with licensees at the back of hotels/ or
making love to single mums in the housing
commission flats/ we all knew what was going on/
carlton cops could never keep secrets/ there was a
senior/ always drunk/ every week tellyou how he manslaughtered someone during an
interview/ but never got charged/ once I read
wheels name on the front page of the sun/ asked
what was the breakth rough/ just said meticulously
it was intuition/ probably thought he was having ajoke/ sergeant john wheel the loner/ tracked down/
the young constable with the bro ken heart driving
north non-stop across the border to brewarrina
chasin’ this poet coral when he was supposed to be
on watch-house/ wheels brought him back for hisown good/ that one made us laugh/ I use to drink
with him a bit/ talk in general terms/ at stewarts
hotel/ across from the cop shop/ where everyone
use to mix back then/ sometimes you could spot
him in the side lounge with autopsies professionalcrime/ the points of his eyes/ would tell you not to
walk in/ one day he said to me he was leaving/
said/ ‘it’s a promotion & premonition’/ he said
‘you’ve got to have more than one reason for doing
things/ more than one motive otherwiseyou fail’/ chewing his cigarette end/ wired up in
stripes/ and government supplied shoes/ ended up
on one of those/ victoria police protection schemes/
doing time/ not necessarily because he had done
anything wrong/ there was a contractout on his kids/ even the hat felt pity/ ‘one of the
few cops not frightened to over step the mark’/ he
said/ ‘but that put a stop to him’/ reminiscing with
a cronney the other night/ he said to me/ ‘you don’t
call it burning out/ you call it fuckin’ history’/ thenhe told me/ with those words it was my bloody
shout/ you appreciate/ colourful language in
- 115: SPACEwith A Sometimes 114: NO THEME 13with J Toledo & C Tse 113: INVISIBLE WALLSwith A Walker & D Disney 112: TREATwith T Dearborn 111: BABYwith S Deo & L Ferney 110: POP!with Z Frost & B Jessen 109: NO THEME 12with C Maling & N Rhook 108: DEDICATIONwith L Patterson & L Garcia-Dolnik 107: LIMINALwith B Li 106: OPENwith C Lowe & J Langdon 105: NO THEME 11with E Grills & E Stewart 104: KINwith E Shiosaki 103: AMBLEwith E Gomez and S Gory 102: GAMEwith R Green and J Maxwell 101: NO THEME 10with J Kinsella and J Leanne 100: BROWNFACE with W S Dunn 99: SINGAPOREwith J Ip and A Pang 97 & 98: PROPAGANDAwith M Breeze and S Groth 96: NO THEME IXwith M Gill and J Thayil 95: EARTHwith M Takolander 94: BAYTwith Z Hashem Beck 93: PEACHwith L Van, G Mouratidis, L Toong 92: NO THEME VIIIwith C Gaskin 91: MONSTERwith N Curnow 90: AFRICAN DIASPORAwith S Umar 89: DOMESTICwith N Harkin 88: TRANSQUEERwith S Barnes and Q Eades 87: DIFFICULTwith O Schwartz & H Isemonger 86: NO THEME VIIwith L Gorton 85: PHILIPPINESwith Mookie L and S Lua 84: SUBURBIAwith L Brown and N O'Reilly 83: MATHEMATICSwith F Hile 82: LANDwith J Stuart and J Gibian 81: NEW CARIBBEANwith V Lucien 80: NO THEME VIwith J Beveridge 57.1: EKPHRASTICwith C Atherton and P Hetherington 57: CONFESSIONwith K Glastonbury 56: EXPLODE with D Disney 55.1: DALIT / INDIGENOUSwith M Chakraborty and K MacCarter 55: FUTURE MACHINES with Bella Li 54: NO THEME V with F Wright and O Sakr 53.0: THE END with P Brown 52.0: TOIL with C Jenkins 51.1: UMAMI with L Davies and Lifted Brow 51.0: TRANSTASMAN with B Cassidy 50.0: NO THEME IV with J Tranter 49.1: A BRITISH / IRISH with M Hall and S Seita 49.0: OBSOLETE with T Ryan 48.1: CANADA with K MacCarter and S Rhodes 48.0: CONSTRAINT with C Wakeling 47.0: COLLABORATION with L Armand and H Lambert 46.1: MELBOURNE with M Farrell 46.0: NO THEME III with F Plunkett 45.0: SILENCE with J Owen 44.0: GONDWANALAND with D Motion 43.1: PUMPKIN with K MacCarter 43.0: MASQUE with A Vickery 42.0: NO THEME II with G Ryan 41.1: RATBAGGERY with D Hose 41.0: TRANSPACIFIC with J Rowe and M Nardone 40.1: INDONESIA with K MacCarter 40.0: INTERLOCUTOR with L Hart 39.1: GIBBERBIRD with S Gory 39.0: JACKPOT! with S Wagan Watson 38.0: SYDNEY with A Lorange 37.1: NEBRASKA with S Whalen 37.0: NO THEME! with A Wearne 36.0: ELECTRONICA with J Jones