By | 1 May 2018

Oh, yes, how I long for the days
those good old days
those golden days of yore
those simple times
when I’d walk ten miles in the rain
without the need of a map
whilst holding a fistful of pennies and a fishing line
and a clear sense of myself in an unspoiled world.

Oh, yes, how I long for the days
those good old days
those glorious days
when I’d read by the light of a filament bulb
and write ten miles of shopping lists
with a simple ballpoint pen.
Those days when the textbook of human anatomy was full of bone and blood and
brain and
oh, those distant and lost-forever days
oh how I long for them
trapped as I am in the now.

Oh, alas, I’m a normal human being
a normal, flesh-bound, breathing human being
a normal human being of the olden kind
who can walk ten miles in the rain
with a fistful of shopping lists
by the light of a ballpoint pen.
Oh, how alone I feel in our world
where the textbook of human anatomy is full of screens and circuits and
applications and
speech-recognition technology.

Oh, how alone I feel with my friends
oh yes how alone
with their fingerprint identities
and their unbreathing personhood
and their turn-by-turn, synthetic-voiced instructions
for walking ten miles by the map
with a fistful of filament bulbs.

Oh, how alone I feel
oh how alone
trapped as I am
in the circuit of the now.

Alas, I am a normal human being
a fact I can easily prove by the way
just look at the information I know
the information that only a human could know
that only a bone- and blood- and brain-filled human could know
in my direct sensory experience
of those good old glorious days of golden yore
when I’d read by the light of a filament bulb
in a rain of pennies
without the need of a map.

Alas, I must prove that I am a normal human being
beset as I am by a digital new world order
that denies my flesh
in favour of a corporate expansion of personhood
an existence-by-technicality
in which my ability
to walk ten filament bulbs
to my friends’ rainy houses
with a fistful of ballpoint pennies
is rendered insufficiently impressive
in the face of an ontology
in which anything that cannot be found
by a simple internet search
cannot be said to exist at all.

Oh, my friend, I’m a normal human being
so OK here I am in this fingerprint filament world
here to regale you in human language
with tales of those glorious golden good old days
when I’d walk ten miles
with a map about fish
I can easily show you a map about fish
here I am
oh my dear friend
my dear

Oh, my friend, my friend, my [insert name]
I am a normal human being
and all I want
is for you, and me, and every person
human or otherwise
to be OK
to be OK
in these simple days
of golden screens
and rainproof circuits
this good old simple fingerprint world
that’s free for all
for a fistful of pennies.

Oh how I long for you
oh my friend
oh friend, oh [insert name]

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