She Sent me an Animated GIF

By | 1 September 2024

of a bunny eating a frog which now takes up my waking moments unexpectedly takes up bandwidth in my global connection tool takes up space in my buzzing shackle worn only in my left pocket the pocket check keys wallet phone is a new invention a symptom of modern solutions begetting modern problems. I sent the bunny to my group chat. There is a man watching me breathe it tastes like he wants me to do something but all I can think about is animals eating animals and how alike unlike my experiences are to those of John Don Passos sitting in a trench weeping shitting dying hoping similar but with more selfies and less self-awareness. Global warming is another symptom of global upheaval we’ve lived this all before but with more ignorance and less steps. X = YZ to the power of 2 I was never a maths guy despite finally having a calculator on my person at all times. I forget how to spell colleague so much you’d think I was attending college. Everything I copied over because a new copy sent to a cloud that sprinkles it all over the chest of some mute piece of equipment in Colorado that I imagine enjoys too much things that I know too little about. Add Candy as a friend for sexy pics and wanton noodles. Your IG is tainted. Your only fans are rotating and pushing air in stagnant underused bedrooms that smell of dust and cursed moments. Frogs eat flies but flies eat dead frogs circle of life Simba seems to keep coming back the front of my cortex; my amygdala keeps sending signals but all I keep thinking is run and say nothing else. Cringe is my default printer setting despite my appearance of non-appearance. No one makes party CD’s anymore and the old ones in my glovebox don’t work in my car. I remember the ping and grrrrrrrr bong of getting onto the internet and the frustration of being 50 minutes into a WOW instance and someone picks up the phone. MUM. Despite the facebook feed this generation is the luckiest and will live the longest with the most opportunity. Are more options not taken better then few options wholeheartedly lived? Within your mind space, there is a series of serfs tilling fields and backbreaking sacks of knowledge for your ego monarch. The debt system in my mindscape forced me to look up manorialism. There is a series of symbols that have replaced written language, but only the general feeling of it: right brain approves. Though second reading suggests both brains approve: right the negative left the positive emotions. Bleck. Not even my left/right brain knowledge can survive scrutiny and a google search. The frog croaks (lucky bastard). Disassociation is the best form of flight/flight/flight response: I clean until everyone goes to sleep. How can sleep take over unresolved issues and bunnies eating frogs, the frog smiles and says “finally I’m done with this mess”


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