By | 1 September 2024

It is often a quote: dos
por dos and the framing, a toothless knife’s
edgework. Right, anterior to
the hand’s hilt, the heart as truer
organ, the preening happening any
moment behind the bush. You testify
to the blackletter flourish
of scripts. One can hear them bicker from
next door, from the afterlife of bevelled beams
and so many transcriptions of things.
I have come, not so much an announcement
as a dictation in parts: some wild hemming
to underline a bald expression that forgets
I am, I am, I am. Briefly, song is
werd for werd, then tree for forest, forest
for village. Information reads from end
to end—quasar, cave, cerebrum, and too much
light. To verify is to round
those Os as you scream into the last well
to dry up in your neck of the woods, clean
snap, the spine of tomes, the tombs’
synapses sending us this way, to go.
And why in the Islands, tonight, it is practically
tectonic. And so little time it takes.
The lesson of threes is to break
even the writing of fact, for
thee—moribund bard, herd gawker—we review
from the ground, letter by burnt letter, in situ.

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