Presence of importance

By | 1 September 2024

After Todd Hido’s window photos

That window here is like
Todd Hido’s always subject matter. Its light
is company. Light brings space to be peopled;
they are dotted on the park, brightness condense,
sun’s last, and strongest felt, and we are throwing
the giant foam plane – me, brother, sister, sister’s
partner, dad, a dog we’re watching. Todd Hido’s windows
show the his-before. I become my before, I throw the
foam plane, I decide to live there momentarily.

The curtain in the window is smoothed but is
so distinctly hanging – presence acknowledged by faux-
absence. Windows are encodable mysteries.
I revisit places with the brighter surfaces via
Hido-contextualised frames, his jewel-ish quads
on dark rooms.

Their frost stems, their wet tones, the feelness in their air
is a triviality.
I think I know something of the apartment back there with their light on.
Kindred memory, the window some past intermediary.

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