
By | 1 September 2024

Maybe it’s part of being a mother
to haunt after the 3am feeding:

feet planted in my dreams
in the middle of the produce aisle arguing
about how many onions we need for dinner.

She was never one to tiptoe
around what she was thinking
despite her slight frame, now bones?

I teach my son to be gentle with the earthworms,
sliding through decomposition,
what masses they’re responsible to digest.

How long will I be out?
As long as needed, now lean back.

Protocol involves sealing valuables,
rings and glasses, in a bag
and naming next of kin.

As I drift off
they say the process will be easier
if I shut my eyes and picture my happiest place.

So it had to be you, leaping
along the shore with wild excitement
only a toddler can have.

That season you were eye level
to the Atlantic’s boundless waves
swelling and breaking into a hiss of foam.

Our favorite days were quiet and gray,
inspecting seaweed and chasing gulls,
the sky blanketed in clouds,

and no other mats on the sand but our own,
laid out carefully before the rising tide.

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