Fool’s Gold

By | 1 September 2024

From the new house, we saw tall, bendy gum trees
and hilly paddocks dotted with cows.

I made Sylvie a birthday cake
from my worn Women’s Weekly cookbook.
She made matching paper crowns for us to wear
as we collected kindling in the wispy rain.

The sun blushed and slunk away.
Sam set up a fire pit with rickety chairs from the tip.
We made billy tea and damper in the glowing coals.
The milky way twinkled.

It snowed on the last day of winter. Fairy wrens
danced in the drifting flurries.

Time was measured by the thwacks of Sam chopping wood.
Wattle flowered the crisp air.

Leo the budgie died and
Sam buried him in the backyard on a cold night.
We threw daisies on the tousled dirt.

We picked three bucketsful of blackberries
grown rampant in the dry following the rain.
Our mouths were stained purple and our socks
were prickled by farmer’s friends.

We fossicked for sapphires in the creek
but only found fool’s gold.

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