Flashback to Forster

By | 1 September 2024

For James

An unmasked day, the cloudbank skips
across the morning;
gulls weigh and wheel.

The waves pump, rhythmic roll,
beyond spilling shoals.
Your first day with a body board.

A time to learn; we stir
through shallows,
through the channel rush.

Immutable moon heeds the trackless
tideways; synopsis of sapphires.
Flathead dither in sprawling fathoms.

The breeze builds on willing water.
We push out towards the break.
You cling to the buoyant cork

as you have been taught; I help
you position for the next set.
An elemental drive, a surge

swells and vaults. Instruction:
Paddle like mad, go boy go.
With my thrust you are flung

with force, you are fused
with the seam of the sea.
You will take a turn to teach your daughter

about the depths and dangers.
In my imagination a synthesis
of spray as you tack across the tide.

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