Et In Arcadia Ego

By | 1 September 2024

in tribute to Tom Stoppard

We sing to each other and sing to each other
across a chasm of broken seashells.
We have not met, you and I,
for a long time — or was it never?

One of us always diffuse, escaping
as gas while the other
weatherproofs windows and doors, trying
to keep out cold.

There is still love — there is that —
ethereal, vanishing
known to poets and lunatics
from time immemorial.

Byron’s dream: “there’s poetry for you” –
four lines about a dead earth,
a starless night; our pointless orbit
iterated beyond repair. Out of time,

the song returns to me across the void
and I wonder where we will find space
for what we once dreamed. We sing
at cross-purposes:

discordant, determined.
Isolate in our sanities.
To hear the tune,
you’d have to be insane.

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