Bright Orange Gerberas

By | 1 September 2024

Some bloke said there should be

a science of beauty a theology

course or something of beauty

yeah but what about the eye of

the beholder and stuff like that huh

you know my granddad looked

like one of those bags you keep

your pajamas in right

but with his bones in it

in Royal Perth Hospital when I visited

it was like going to church or something

took him some bright orange gerberas

cause he hates flowers a good stir

made such a face of bloody curses

you wouldn’t believe he did

all the lines on his face stood up

dark they were man did he look ugly

take them home he told me I

I don’t want them and I told you

not to bother visiting not to bother

coming all this way yeah sure

sure I don’t want anything don’t

need anything yeah sure

sure you gotta love the guy

black prune poking the air

with six stick insect digits

six bags of blood lost yeah

I know he cries from his ulcer

slowly weeping years years true

and when he relaxed on the bed

I saw the bruising on his wrist

where they tried to fill him up again

and I saw his bones and I held his

hand right and he ignored me great huh

like the warmth ignored his hand right

he told me not to bother he didn’t

like to bother anyone to come again

sure I know I left but man

he looks bloody beautiful when he’s ugly

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