White Girl

By | 29 August 2024

When the white girl reads the black poem
She is,
Brave, progressive,
Like a dog who has just discovered how to remove
Her muzzle
She’ll stand here,
Behind microphone shields
She yields,
Her pen
Armed with poetry,
She speaks in tongues weaponised,
With freedom of speech
Each word
Pinpointing the politics
Of her own
White-washed ways
She’ll be deemed,
The ‘white girl who cares’
But I’m just a white girl who stared,
At the pages of a history book
That shouldn’t belong to me,
What is the point of believing,
The world is black and white,
If you only ever get to read
One side to the story
But that’s just white history,
We say we’re for equality,
But we are equally,
Fretting about what the media sees
White girl thinks she’s heroic,
Getting to cherry pick
Which Black voices make the screen,
Make a scene,
One headline invites our black fullas,
To ‘take a seat’
White Australia’s advocacy
For racism
Get that like, tick that box,
Then erase them,
Next time, news time says,
Black youth are terrorising towns,
Yeah, well we terrorised continents,
Take welcome to country,
As a compliment
Say yes to a voice in our government,
Get coverage,
Of stories
As colourful
As the rainbow serpent
But that doesn’t happen does it?
The campaigns screamed,
For sovereignty never ceded
Yeah, but we did,
Was a chance to redeem it, to plead forgiveness, because we’ve just figured,
That maybe, white girl’s voice
Has been speaking for too long,
Singing another colour’s song
Taking up space on a stage
Where she doesn’t belong
But where is the line drawn?
Between white girl sticking up for black fullas
And white girl being wrong?

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