I’ve been losing myself at the pool lately

By | 29 August 2024

and each time the intercom warbles
an unfamiliar name as I search the pool floor,
follow lines that end in crosses
and dive into holes between tiles, live
my entire life in the other pool,
ʎllɐuᴉɟ I lᴉʇun ‘ǝpᴉs ɹǝɥʇo ǝɥʇ uo
spot myself from below, ploughing
through the water, arms and legs
asymmetrical, neck hurting
from jerking up to gasp for breath.
Standing at the bottom, I realise

ƃuᴉɥʇou ɯɐ I
like the frogs we learn from. I am
a drowning May beetle we splash
away as it bobs, helplessly,
towards our mouths. I can’t
keep staring up, have to look
ʞuᴉl ǝɥʇ puᴉɟ oʇ uʍop
joining the lines, seal the grout
between the tiles until a sound
empties the pool and reaches
my depths: cockatoo screeches
ring against the hollow walls,
‘dn ǝɯ llɐɔ
and blend with the intercom, where my own
strange voice, always a little too high,
too nasal, calls my own strange name:
Christmas, as if my presence was a gift
to anyone. Back in water, I glide,
ǝɔɐɟɹns ǝɥʇ spɹɐʍoʇ ‘uʍop ǝɔɐɟ
to meet myself. My hair spreads like kelp
across the turquoise, undulates
on the tiny waves all the other bodies
send out. I turn, by instinct,
towards air: float on my back—
a navy-eyed newborn.

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