Speakers of Duckspeak

By | 13 May 2024

I’m going to leave this place
and make noise with a bigger mouth.
No thoughts
no concepts
quack, quack, quack, quack.
When I go to the place where Duckspeak1 is spoken
I’m going to say I’m on vacation and
when I open my big suitcase
somebody else’s kid will pop out,
a kid I didn’t pack and
lollipops that the kid brought
will also pop out and
the red round lollies
will shut our mouths and
our cheeks will bulge together and
quack, quack, quack, quack.
To a place where we become happy after chatting
each person brings a single suitcase
black, heavy, and desolate
with nothing allowed in.

  1. From George Orwell’s Newspeak.
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