
By | 13 May 2024

Because her two hands got tied when she put her two hands together, the woman doesn’t pray. Hands, these two hands, how can one hand stroke the other? Arms folded stuck or stuck in a different crack, when you say that the beak that opens naturally is only natural, super-close lovers have to carry at least four 3,500 won 250-milliliter bottles of hydrogen peroxide for rinsing. Even before the woman tries to say ‘babe’ and pours a bottle, the man pulls out his dick. ‘FUCKING WEASEL DICKED SHIT,’ she screams and whenever she goes to a grill to eat she steals the stainless steel tongs for grilling the meat and thinks, these tongs look exactly like the A in Adultery in The Scarlet Letter. The last line of her book report she wrote for homework for her winter break when she was 16, the angle that is made naturally by the two tightrope walker’s legs the second they drop from the rope. When you say the shame you need to survive is the shame you have to bear, the woman receives the reason to spread the foldable steel ladder on the side of the rooftop. When she steps up the steel ladder, the sky is starless. When she descends, the stars gather inside the water that gathered inside the stone bowl. Those stars, 11 or 12 or 13, she tries but can’t pull them out with the tongs, and the only thing left is her face unseen because it’s been smooshed. ‘Don’t cry. It’s going to get erased. Is sadness just talk? People say it’s a waste.’ When is she going to quit being a target for the gun she points at herself? Actually, maybe nothing happened. Who is the hero of cops and robbers? Is it the one who is cuffed or the one doing the cuffing? The script hasn’t been written. Because the skin of her two sweaty hands was scrubbed when she put her two hands together, the woman still doesn’t pray.


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