陈华彪 (Wah Pheow)

Tan Wah Pheow (陈华彪) is a bilingual writer who wrote mainly in Chinese, sparsely in English, and specialises in poetry and short stories. He has a Ph.D. in Psychology with a minor in Statistics, and currently heads a behavioural science research centre at a local polytechnic. He is self-described as someone who thinks scientifically and attempts (clumsily) at artistic self-expression. With respect to creative writing, he is currently on a hiatus (because work + kids + life), and will probably resume his creative endeavours when the kids grow up and start ignoring him. He enjoys scientific research, reading, basketball and street photography.

Death of a Refrigerator | 冰箱之死

We assume the cold lasts forever. Unaware of its untimely demise, we opened its door to a dying ribbon of light. The cooler had stopped working—like how the charm hidden in an old film can’t help but prove its stars …

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