Oz Hardwick

Oz Hardwick is a poet, photographer, occasional musician, and accidental academic, whose work has been published and performed internationally in and on diverse media. He has published seven poetry collections, most recently Learning to Have Lost (Canberra: IPSI, 2018), and has edited and co-edited several more, including (with Miles Salter) The Valley Press Anthology of Yorkshire Poetry, which was a UK National Poetry Day recommendation in 2017. Oz is Professor of English at Leeds Trinity University, where he leads the Creative Writing programs.


We worry about the weather, and whether or not we can make a difference, sorting our recycling in the dark. The floods have become so commonplace that they don’t make the news unless a bus is swept away or a …

Posted in 96: NO THEME IX | Tagged


He torched the house and stole the road, renaming it and hiding it among the scrub trees and lock-ups on the edge of town. There were nights shifting between cars – hood pulled forward to hide his features, surgical gloves …

Posted in 91: MONSTER | Tagged