Nnadi Samuel

Nnadi Samuel is a graduate of English & literature from the University of Benin. His works have been previously published in Suburban Review, Seventh Wave Magazine, North Dakota Quarterly, PORT Magazine, Gordon Square Review, Rough Cut press, Rigorous Magazine, Blue Nib journal, Stonecrop Review, The Elephant Magazine, Subterranean Poetry, Lunaris Review, Inverse Journal, Canyon Voices, The Collidescope, Journal Nine, Liquid Imagination, The Quills, Eunoia Review and elsewhere. He won the Canadian Open Drawer contest 2020. He won the Splendor of Dawn Poetry Contest April 2020, got shortlisted in the annual Poet's Choice award & was the second-prize winner of the EOPP 2019 contest. A longlist of the NSPP 2020 prize, & PushCart nominee. He is the author of Reopening of Wounds. He reads for U-Right Magazine.

For Backstreet Boys Selling Their Kites

“Warning: Black boys are in danger of becoming extinct” — trey anthony black, tossed to a scattering brown. how does this even tuck in? chaffs they kite into stars, brittle as a badge chewing a whole brand— me & my …

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