Nafanua Purcell Kersel

Nafanua Purcell Kersel (Faleālupo, Malaelā, Satupa'itea, Tuaefu) is a writer, poet and performer born in Samoa and raised in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa. She has performed at arts and writers festivals as well as the NZ National Poetry Slam and is published in print and online through journals, magazines and anthologies. Nafanua was the recipient of the 2022 IIML Biggs Family Prize in Poetry with her collection, Black Sugarcane which will be published soon.

Moana Pōetics

We build a safe around our birth stones crafted from a dream, a gourd, a drum–made chant. Pile it high with frigate bird bones, song bones, bones of cherished names. We rub sinnet along our thighs and lash our cache. …

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