Moira Egan

Moira Egan’s most recent poetry collection, Synæsthesium, won The New Criterion Poetry Prize and will be published in fall, 2017. With her husband, Damiano Abeni, she has translated into Italian volumes by Ashbery, Barth, Ferlinghetti, Hecht, Heti, Strand, Charles Wright, and others. She has held writing fellowships at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, St. James Cavalier Centre (Malta), Civitella Ranieri Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, and the James Merrill House. She lives in Rome.

Bouquet de fleurs au napperon brodé

The come-hither hibiscus aims its pistil straight at your face, petals outspread in invitation. You can almost catch the roses’ heady scent, their variations from palest pink to scarlet and carnelian, the blush that blooms along the lover’s throat. Gladiolus …

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