Misha Nathani

Misha Nathani was brought up in London. He bounced through several universities on several continents, then drifted into computer programming before the formalisation of IT training. A call to jury duty in the grand theatre of Victorian Supreme Court number 4 produced an epiphany which led them finally, into psychiatric social work - strange, for a neurodivergent. During the now two thirds of his life spent in Australia, in between work and family (two wives, two children and several generations of cats), he have maintained a sporadic writing practice, and participated in local writing groups and PWE Diploma courses - and yes, poetry is hard.


after evening rain cliffs sharp-edged on serpent sky but through dusk the lights at Brambuk flicker welcome this is not my country Jadawadjali elders honoured then now and to come quote Calcagus Djab Wurrung elders honoured then now and to …

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