Michael Galko

Michael J. Galko is a scientist and poet who lives and works in Houston, TX. He was a 2019 Pushcart Award nominee, a finalist in the 2020 Naugatuck River Review narrative poetry contest, and a finalist in the 2022 Bellevue Literary Review poetry contest. In the past year he has had poems published or accepted at North Dakota Quarterly, Epiphany, Eclectica, Clackamas Literary Journal, Tar River Poetry, and Noon: journal of the short poem, among other journals.

A little bit of neutron star for your gorgeous décolletage

100 million tons. That’s the mass of a sugarcube-sized pinch of neutron star. Once all the gasses have condensed, climbed the periodic table, collapsed in upon each other, like some taxi-cab flirters that can no longer resist… I imagine it …

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