Julio Fabián Salvador

Julio Fabián Salvador is a Doctor of Physics. He works as a Professor at the National University of San Marcos in his native Lima, Peru. He is the author of the poetry collections Zumbante Nervio, El silencio de la máquina, Darkness, Pared del sol, and El viaje hacia Andrómeda. In 2012 he received the FELIZH National Poetry Prize. He is the author of the short story collections El aire que corta la piel, Un tiempo alucinado en oscuridad, and Contemplación de las partículas. His debut novel, Desvanecer reinos en silencio, was released in 2023. He also holds a Master of Creative Writing.

3 Julio Fabián Translations by Callum Methven

The following poems are from Julio Fabián’s 2022 poetry collection El viaje hacia Andrómeda (Fallidos Editores, Medellin). They are translated here into English for the first time.

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