Jaye Kranz

Jaye Kranz is a poet, writer and documentary audio maker living on the unceded lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung people. She is the recipient of an Emerging Writers Grant from the Australia Council for the Arts (now Creative Australia). Her writing has appeared in The Monthly, Australian Book Review, short story collections and a compendium of four novellas (Picador, Vintage), with poems published in West Branch, The Marrow International Poetry Journal, Frozen Sea, The Florida Review and Best of Australian Poetry 2024. She was shortlisted for the 2024 Tom Collins Poetry Prize. Her award-winning sound-rich audio features have been commissioned for BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 3, ABC RN, Arts Centre Melbourne, and the State Library of Victoria.


When I call for you, my throat on hot pillows, here inside this small room, here beside the suddenness of stone where herds pass through, running the length of high walls—I see you were always already here: unity of pitch, …

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