Jan Ball

Jan Ball started seriously writing poetry and submitting it for publication in 1998. Since then, she has had 281 poems accepted or published in the U.S., Canada, India, England and Prague. Published poems have appeared in: Calyx, Chiron, Connecticut Review, Main Street Rag, Nimrod, Phoebe and many other journals. Her poem, my face emerges from my face, was second runner-up in the spring 2010 contest issue of So to Speak. In another contest, her poem, carwash, won the 2011 Betsy Colquitt Award for the best poem in a current issue of Descant, Fort Worth. Her two chapbooks, Accompanying Spouse (2011) and Chapter of Faults (2014) and first full length book, I Wanted To Dance with My Father (2017), have been published by Finishing Line Press. She is a member of The Poetry Club of Chicago.

Dinner Companion

To begin our conversation, I turn toward Sue and refer to the Oxford University dining practice of first talking to the person on one side, then after a given time, the one on the other side. Sue responds with the …

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