Indigo Eli

Indigo Eli poet | performer | artist Advanced Diploma of Arts, Professional Writing Indigo's work stems from the urge to document intangibilities and speak the unspoken. Find out more on her website.

(with(in)side) out

Posted in 88: TRANSQUEER | Tagged

Time Scratched Record

I write his scratched word into a record. My time, his daughter’s hot, long day. I write to find water. I write of him to see that he was, to see that he was my father, was one of my …

Posted in 59: GONDWANALAND | Tagged

A Dead Stick Insect for G.O.D.

As I pick it up I recall the creature’s daily clicking and strange penchant for Astroturf, for the small island of bright green plastic pointers sailing on concrete slab like a raft, religious above the sea of dying green in …

Posted in 59: GONDWANALAND | Tagged