Edward Leeming

Edward Leeming lives in Perth, Australia with his partner and his four year old, Freya and one year old, Ava. An alumni of Edith Cowan University, he works in the governmental sector and finds time to write poetry on trains and in the brief moments of solitude found in his busy family life. He hopes to one day write a dystopian novel that can compare with the current world climate.

She Sent me an Animated GIF

of a bunny eating a frog which now takes up my waking moments unexpectedly takes up bandwidth in my global connection tool takes up space in my buzzing shackle worn only in my left pocket the pocket check keys wallet …

Posted in 114: NO THEME 13 | Tagged

13 Ways of Looking at Fatherhood

After ’13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird’ by Wallace Stevens I. Among twenty men lined up waiting for footy tickets the only thing moving was a father, bouncing with no child in sight. II. Is that heat rash or …

Posted in 105: NO THEME 11 | Tagged