Eartha Davis

Eartha Davis is a woman of Ngāpuhi heritage living on Wurundjeri land. She placed second in the 2022 Woorilla Poetry Prize Youth Section, was nominated for The Best of the Net Award in 2023, and was shortlisted for the 2024 Creative Writing New Zealand’s Short Story Prize. Her work is published or forthcoming in the Australian Poetry Anthology, Wildness, Rabbit, takahē, Frozen Sea, Minarets, Baby Teeth Journal, South Florida Poetry Journal, Circular Publishing, Revolute, JMWW, LEON Literary Review, and ELJ Editions, among others. She is a poetry editor at three journals and currently working with Red Room Poetry on their POEM FOREST project. She dreams of mountains.


Now, I worship an empress of solitude / I do not know how to bloat slow / feather like bird-stunned truths / river says we are stories furred with pulse / dreaming cinders / twinned geographies of breathing hinterlands / …

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