D Kemalawati

Lahir di pantai Barat Meulaboh, Banda Aceh, 2 April 1965. Menulis puisi, esei, opini, cerpen dan novel, juga menyunting dan menjadi editor beberapa antologi puisi. D Kemalawati selain bergiat di penulisan kreatif juga seorang penari dan pemain teater, serta beberapa kali menjuarai lomba baca puisi. Ia pernah diundang membaca puisi di Pekanbaru, Batam, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Universitas Indonesia (Jakarta), Malaka, Rumah Pena (Kuala Lumpur), Balai Seni Lukis Negara (Kuala Lumpur), UKM (Malaysia) serta Ipoh (Perak). Ia juga diundang mengikuti Ubud Writers Festival 2005 di Bali. Buku puisinya terbit dalam dua bahasa Indonesia-Inggris berjudul Surat Dari Negeri Tak Bertuan (2006). Novel perdananya berjudul Seulusoh terbit pada 2007. Cerpennya berjudul 'Lelaki Berbahasa Ibu' terpilih sebagai finalis dalam lomba menulis cerpen guru tingkat nasional. Sarjana pendidikan Matematika ini memilih profesi guru di sekolah kejuruan, di Banda Aceh sebagai pengabdiannya. Dan sebagai wujud keseriusannya terhadap dunia pendidikan, penerima Anugerah Sastra dan Satya Lencana dari Pemerintah Aceh (2007) ini menerbitkan kumpulan opini pendidikannya, Pembelaan Seorang Guru (Lapena 2007). Pengurus Dewan Kesenian Banda Aceh ini sekarang menjadi salah seorang dewan pakar di Dewan Kesenian Aceh. Ikut mendirikan Lapena, sebuah lembaga yang bergerak di bidang kebudayaan dan masyarakat dan pendokumentasian karya sastra di Aceh.
D. Kemalawati was born in Barat Meulaboh, Banda Aceh, on 2 April 1965. She writes poetry, essays, opinion pieces, short stories and novels and has editied several anthologies of poetry. Besides creative writing, she is also a dancer and theatre player, and has served several times as a judge for poetry reading contests. She has read her work in cities throughout the Southeast Asian region. She was also an invittee to the Ubud Writers Festival (2005) in Bali. Her book of poetry Surat Dari Negeri Tak Bertuan (Letter from an Ownerless Land, 2006) was published in both Indonesian and English. Her first novel, Seulusohi, was published in 2007, and her short story 'Lelaki Berbahasa Ibu' was chosen as finalist in a short story contest at the national level. Holding an advanced degree in mathematics education, she is a devoted teacher in Banda Aceh. A recipient of the Anugerah Sastra dan Satya Lencana literary award from the government of Aceh in 2007, she has also published a collection of her pedagogical views in Pembelaan Seorang Guru (A Teacher’s Defense, 2007). She has served on the Arts Councile of Banda Aceh and is a co-founder of Lapena, a cultural institute that documents artistic work in Aceh.

Red Pools in Beutong Ateuh | Kolam Merah di Beutong Ateuh

Red Pools in Beutong Ateuh1 people come and express their greetings people shake hands people walk with gloom on their faces people hold rifles, cocked and ready people don’t hear the Quranic recitation people forget to announce the call to …

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