Dana Levin

Dana Levin's fourth book is Banana Palace (Copper Canyon Press, 2016), a finalist for the Rilke Prize. Previous collections include In the Surgical Theatre, Wedding Day, and Sky Burial, which The New Yorker called 'utterly her own and utterly riveting.' Recent poetry and essays have appeared in Best American Poetry, Poem-a-day, Boston Review, and Poetry. Levin is a grateful recipient of many honours, including those from the NEA, PEN, the Library of Congress, as well as the Rona Jaffe, Whiting, and Guggenheim Foundations. A teacher of poetry for over twenty-five years, Levin serves as Distinguished Writer in Residence at Maryville University in St. Louis.

Lady Xoc

8th Century, Mayan You’re supposed to say shoke but I like shock. Lady Shock. Who drew a spiked rope through her offering tongue to burn blood into the threads of bark paper, coax a smoke― so she could froth up …

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