Cameron Griffiths

Cameron Griffiths studied history at Waikato University and works as an Archivist. His poetry has appeared in journals in Australia and New Zealand, but most recently his focus has been the translation of several books of poetry by Joan Brossa. He has received invaluable support from his partner / reviewer, and from the foremost expert in Brossa, Glòria Bordons. He lives in Paekakariki, NZ.

10 Poems by Joan Brossa

Born in Barcelona into a family of artisans, Joan Brossa (1919-1998) first began writing when he was mobilised in the Spanish civil war. During the forties he was introduced to surrealism thanks to meeting Joan Miró and Joan Prats. This …

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Postcards (1)

Every time she comes home, enters her childhood room, she opens the box stored in the bottom draw. Shuffles and reshuffles the collection of unsent postcards, full of joy and resolve. On a bench in a London railway station, looking …

Posted in 69: TRANSTASMAN | Tagged

Gema de Malley: The sea alone is so irreverent

A Ketch, sails like twin flames, reaches across the bay; hand painted – repainted – shades of blue and white on the thin cloth of my folding fan. Day does not dwell and this breeze will not disturb the sand’s …

Posted in 42: CHILDREN OF MALLEY II | Tagged