Brent Kininmont

Brent Kininmont has lived in Tokyo for the past 20 years. His poems can be found in other places online, including in Ōrongohau | Best New Zealand Poems, and in his collection "Thuds Underneath" (Victoria University Press).

Leaf Boats

Before the typhoon a pond fringed with ragged men napping on benches, and branches undone from leaves she was plucking. I urged her: gather only those lying about. Curl the stems to make the masts. See, now they’re budging. • …

Posted in 111: BABY | Tagged

Twelve Short Talks on Aspects of Origins

In the lottery for topics I got obsidian—that appearance of glass when lava cools; at the margin of what it means to be a rock. Good thing I was adopted, at home with loose connections. This dark off-cut from our …

Posted in 109: NO THEME 12 | Tagged