Andrew Galan

Andrew Galan leads inclusive, energetic and liberal poetry slam BAD!SLAM!NO!BISCUIT! from the Phoenix Pub in Australia’s Capital Territory. He writes poetry published and performed nationally and internationally. Reviews have compared his work to cummings, Cave, the Coen Brothers and Tarrantino, and described it as ‘weird unsettling stabs’. The publisher of his first book says it is ‘Nadsat meets Mad Max.’ Poetry is imagination and reality meeting, sometimes for a fight, sometimes to eat. His first book is That Place of Infested Roads (life during wartime), KF&S Press.

Devouring the (Un)Happy Years

Grandfather had stubby tough hands that fit within green plastic bucket layered wet manure into cement-square garden beds forged New South Wales Railroads and sunny fat plum trees in his long grey-paling Yagoona yard. Didn’t talk while drinking milky tea …

Posted in 66: OBSOLETE | Tagged

Her French Toast

Amanda rented in Newcastle a submarine, green that had clear domes to see the anemones the stingrays, the clown fish. She filled it with one long French toast scent before submersible sank from air to creak down bubble rushes. Then …

Posted in 59: GONDWANALAND | Tagged