Alex Houen

Alex Houen is an Australian / British poet, academic and editor. He is author of the chapbook Rouge States (Oystercatcher, 2014), and co-author (with Geoff Gilbert) of another chapbook, Hold! West (Eyewear, 2016). His poetry is forthcoming in Best New British and Irish Poets (Eyewear, 2016) and has appeared in various magazines, including PN Review, The Wolf, Fortnightly Review, Shearsman Magazine and Molly Bloom. He is co-editor of the online poetry magazine Blackbox Manifold and teaches modern literature in the Faculty of English, University of Cambridge.

Ode to Lidia Valentín, Weightlifter

CLEAN I. Listen! I’m not talking a cake walk of “strong men” tottering as giant toddlers in car-shell dresses; I’m not talking soft on the inside like Schwarzeneggy when he punched that camel in the face as Conan; I’m not …

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